Sunday 10 August 2014

Can Oscar Pistorius regain his reputation? 

Well we are all aware of the basics that in 14 February 2013, Blade runner Oscar Pistorius shot his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp through a bathroom door in which he mistaken her for an intruder.View full story:  .The trial just ended in which it has been happening for the past 5 months, and viewers were able to keep up and watch it on the following link

Public Relations Practitioner’s and Social media can have a huge influence in reputation management. In the early hours of 14 February 2013 after news broke on Oscar Pistorius, social media went crazy in which Journalists and people were tweeting left and right. As Public Relations Practitioner’s it is important to monitor what people say about Oscar Pistorius on social media and the trial that recently ended.

The Public Relations Practitioner’s role is not to determine whether or not Oscar Pistorius is guilty but instead to stand by him and ensure we work and rebuild his reputation. There are a number of ways in which we can ensure that we build Oscar Pistorius reputation such as working on his self-esteem, and also doing his best to change his behaviour while still being himself.

So therefore I honestly believe Oscar Pistorius can regain his reputation even though it will take time, but with the support of Public Relations and the public itself, he will  certainly be able to make it.What are your thoughts? Can Oscar Pistorius really regain his reputation?


  1. I do believe Oscar can regain his reputation, it might take a long time but i'm sure the best way for him to regain it is by writing a book on his life involving Reeva, that's if he is proven non guilty.

    1. So true Laura I agree with you that a book will be a great opportunity in him regaining back his reputation..Well said!!!

  2. Yes, I think through good PR and he can definately regain trust and respect. We've seen this happen with other sportsmen. Although it will take a while, it will still be worthwhile for him to try.

    1. Certainly it will need more time and patient in him regaining the trust and respect a lot of people have lost for him, but with a Public Relations strategy it can be possible...

  3. I do not think he can regain his reputation.Seriously the guy killed someone literally took a life who will want to be around a murder?

    1. I hear you but the verdict has not been said yet, and I believe he can regain his reputation despite the outcome of the verdict with good PR he can make it indeed...

  4. He can, but it will take some time before people can believe in him again. Lets be honest building his reputation it going to take some months, before it reach the point were it was!

    1. I agree it can take months and even years for people to trust and have respect for him but with good PR we can certainly work hard in people trusting him and rebuild his reputation back...

  5. My opinion is that public relations practitioners will work on regaining his reputation. Honestly I feel that he will have to work 10 times more in convincing the public for regaining his reputation. For now I feel that most of the public is against him and the worst part is that he pleaded not guilty, I think if he would have confessed that he's guilty, he would have had good chance of regaining it by being honest.

  6. Certainly true its all about good PR and having a great team who will work extra hard ,and making sure that Oscar Pistorious works much more harder and do something different in regaining his reputation and trust he has lost to the public...

  7. Well the way i see it is that Oscar Pistorius might be able to get off of going to prison, but getting his good reputation back still remains to be seen. I hope his Public Relations team has some good tricks up their sleeves because personally i do not see Oscar's career surviving after all that has happened these past few months.

    1. I agree with you that his Public Relations team will have to come up with new and good tricks in ensuring that Oscar Pistorius regain his lost reputation...

  8. Oscar Pistoruis has ruined his own reputation by killing his own girlfriend, and still he has the audacity to say"not guilty my honor", common which brand would want to associate themselves with a murder.

  9. I don't think Oscar will regain his reputation...this guy is blasted for sure.

  10. I think with good PR and support system it can certainly be possible...

  11. I honestly believe that him regaining his reputation again will not be successful currently, this incidence is something that has tarnished and turned around the way the public looks at hi, maybe in the next decade he will be remembered as the Olympics champion.

    1. I think it will take a bit of time in him regaining his reputation, but with good PR and great support system he can make it and we can still remember him as being the best...

  12. It is going to be so hard for Oscar to regain a positive reputation again well honestly don't think he can hey I mean his up for murder it wont be easy for people to remove that in their mind set , I don't even see his career blooming like before this is just a sad case for his image.

    1. I believe with good PR and support system he can certainly regain his reputation even though it will take a while...

  13. It will be difficult for Oscar to regain his image. He will always be known as the Paralympic who killed his girl friend.

  14. I honestly think it will need more time in him gaining that confidence in order to regain his reputation but certainly will be worth it in the end...
