Friday 30 January 2015

Sudden Health Freak!!!

Shooo I know I have been MIA lately but I'm back for good and here to stay.
So lately I have lost a lot of weight and my journey all began in July 2014 whereby I decided to change my lifestyle and simply watch I put into my mouth. .

People have been asking for my advice and how I did it.So I would like to share some few tips that have helped me loose weight.

My top 5 tips:
-Remember and always remember these is a lifestyle and not a diet. .
-Stay away from fast food and temptation. .
-Drink 2litres or 3litres of water each day. .
-Be consistent because healthy leaving should go hand in hand with exercising.(if you can't go to the gym, at least try jogging 3 times a week)
-Decide the junk food you've wanted for an hour, or the body you've wanted for years.